
Welcome, Championeers! lol Yup, I made it up!!! Within the next few pages, you will find a journal of my thoughts, trials, failures, winning moments, healing moments and even some randomly hilarious events.  All in all, I promise that you will enjoy the experience.  It will re-energize your desire to pursue who you are within and become a CHAMPION of life, authored by you and penned by your experiences.

Please like and follow my page so you won’t miss any of my new postings.  Feel free to share with other future championeers in your life as well.

Panel 1


my intent is to energize readers to re-Consider every moment faced in their lives.   to begin to see every new experience, struggle, defeat, Hardship or unexpected encounter as a moment to chAmpion. to Maximize each moment and add fuel to their story.  it’s the difficult unforeseen moments that qualifies us to be the storytellers we are.  and as we share our stories we give others the right to become chamPions of theIr own stOries.  aNd thereby earning a badge of honor as a champion one moment at a time!

Panel 2


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